Exciting new content coming soon!

Goblin Theory was always meant to be more than just tabletop RPG’s played over the internet. We have been playing many different board games and RPG’s weekly for many years, and Goblin Theory was meant to share our entire game night experience with everyone.

The pandemic changed our plans because we could not meet to sit around the same table. I have been working to set up a new gaming area/studio for when we can meet in person again to play many different tabletop games and record our experiences. We are still working out what the content created based on these experiences will look like and how we will deliver it. What we know for sure right now is it will be unique because we are, and it will continue to be about bringing people together through creative play.

As we continue to set up and experiment, we are also still playing Starfinder online through Fantasy Grounds software! We currently have many hours of content to edit, and I am really excited to share the creativity, laughter, clever choices, and silly mistakes.

Until then, I will be updating the blog with all the GT news as it happens!

Thanks and take care,

Jeremy Sparhawk


GT on pause